Explanation of basic design and non-custodial asset inputs
The Leviathan system architecture provides a way to emulate account-based functionality on top of Cardano's native eUTxO infrastructure. This will allow the development of DeFi applications that are more composable with each other than they would be on the Layer 1. Leviathan also enables major improvements to the user experience, specially in regards to non-cryupto native user adoption. This is possible due to its leverage of Intent Based Transactions through the Optim Account abstracting away layers of complexity, which directly results in the system being able to automate and manage on-chain transactions on behalf of the user.
Onboarding assets into the Leviathan layer is a fully decentralized and non-custodial process, where OADA and any Cardano Native Token can be deposited into the Leviathan portal smart contract and users being credited as account model assets on the other side. Similarly, when assets transit from the L2 back to the L1, user accounts are credited on Leviathan while assets are released from the portal gateway. This involves no third party exposure external to the system itself.
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