Declarative Constraints in IBTs

Declarative constraints in IBTs allow users to express desired outcomes without detailing the specific steps.

Examples include:

Limit Orders:

Users specify a target price for buying or selling cryptocurrency.

Gas Sponsorship:

Users express intent for another party to cover gas fees.


Users delegate authority for transactions like voting in a DAO or executing trades.

Transaction Batching:

Users aim to consolidate multiple transactions to save fees.


Users seek the best trade price across multiple DEXs without specifying details.

Execution Path Flexibility:

Users define outcomes, like executing a function in a smart contract, without prescribing the computational path.

Optimized Execution Paths:

In an RFQ architecture, users state their transaction outcome, and solvers compete to provide optimized execution paths, potentially across various networks and protocols.

This structure simplifies transaction execution in blockchain, making it more accessible and efficient for users by focusing on end goals rather than procedural intricacies.

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