OPTIMiz Conversion
The OPTIMiz token (asset1w806pddw2yetu27ka47az64pj6ufx97aatnjr3) was initially distributed as a bonus token during the OPTIM initial liquidity event. OPTIMiz conversion to OPTIM can be accomplished by pairing it with OADA and locking as outlined in ODAO proposal 0015 found here: github.com/OptimFinance/odao-proposals/blob/master/0015-OPTIMizConversion/0015-OPTIMizConversion.md OPTIMiz conversion will later be possible with veOPTIM 80/20, however the only method of conversion currently active is pairing OPTIMiz with OADA for one of 3 durations. While OADA/OPTIMiz locked positions can be unlocked at any time, unlocking early incurs the penalty of forfeiting half of all OPTIM vested up to the point of unlock. The conversion ratios and durations are as follows: 6 months - 7 OADA : 1 OPTIMiz 9 months - 4.5 OADA : 1 OPTIMiz 12 months - 3 OADA : 1 OPTIMiz
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